MOVIE!!! Sunday, May 30, 2010

recently i watch quite many movie..

maybe is because after exam,relax ma...

i and my sis watch this this afternoon..
jump 跳出去,a funny,meaningful,nice movie!
it talk about a village girl go to a city to find her ideal...

japanese movie,空气人形.
nice too,meaningful and sad ending...

my beloved 恶作剧之吻 & 恶作剧2吻!!!!


it really really really funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now i can laugh if i think of it,ahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! XD

always before or after exam i sure will feel wanna watch it,

especially when study till geram and no mood.

it really can cheer me up. =)

i got 恶作剧之吻 burned CD,but dint have 恶作剧2吻.

i go market find,go borrow,but very little people got sell or got this movie..

some people dont know too =_=

so,recently keep trying to download and burn to CD..

30 May 2010
6:23 AM


hooi chen baked cake!!!

rich moist chocolate!!!

look so simple?
soooo,we go bought strawberry and cream to decorate it..

the strawberry really FRESH,so the colour also so BRIGHT..


lalalalala,i'm curi-ing the cake xP

our charco recent look!
his hair grow!
and bright!
and shinning!
and his tongue longer and bigger!

30 May 2010
5:47 AM

exam week Thursday, May 27, 2010

exam week sure study study and study...

but also need rest,so also got thing to write about =P

these are the photo i search yo ready for art exam..
my title is burger queen wrapper..
this so cute,but i dont know draw la,so din choose this..

this...his nose too big lar,ahahahaaaaaa =_=

finally,i copy this,but burger queen of course i draw a queen and write burger queen..

i found this!!!!sooooooooooo,high class!!but i think fake wan lar..

our new desktop wallpaper,last time is leehom wan..nice?i think so cute..

hmmmm,i was soooooo bared,and sign in to my friendster,
owhhh,this is my friendster wallpaper.
music completes me.

okay,stop playing,time to study the useless sejarah!!!
hee,my winnie the pooh notebook..

hippo!!!!!!hippo got bikini by natalynn >.<
true fitness =.=

my moose got panties!!!natalynn made wan...
please check out!!! =P

my adorable file XD
i incredibles australia doublemint?
ahhaaaaa, the words for koleksi...

and this giant galaxie!!!

owh,my beloved leehom in my notebook =P

draw by natalynn...
=D =) X) :P

i'm soooo good!!!i help xinying wash it,the colour got bright??got leh...
but...it fade after that =(

hahahhaaaaa!!!!hippo panties broke!!!
i'm hip-po!!!

what is that?!
i dont know too.
natalynn said:" paste this,then wont grow pinples"

gogo and hippo!!!
why they look sad??? =P

my messy table (last week)...

last friday,our roof was broke!!!then the people check and said this sure got people step it...

so when raining we have to use basin =P
and the night i dont dare study..so rest 1 day!!!

ready to go kenji birthday party!!!just have my haircut...

ahahahaaaa,i can eat these when study!!!take back from kenj party...

1 night...i'm boring,and do these...
3D spongebob!!!

and i do this to wish my sis can pass in her driving test...

and write some wish..
lastly...dint pass that time =.=

my spongebob "watch" ?? XD

before exam,busy calligraphy and projects too..
here my calligraphy butterfly!!!!!

i gonna bankrupt!!!!!!!! T^T

the wrods for koleksi,almost is natalynn give me wan..

some nice till i 不舍得 use..

rubbish i made after do the koleksi...

kick-ass =P
finally, i dint pass up the kick-ass that piece,cause really 不舍得 =D

my bookmark buy from market,rm1 nia!!! 0_o

hulubalang= ketua askar!!!
i keep forget..

boring chapter 8

i hate sejarah!!!!!!!

i'm here!!! =D

ahahhaaaaa,this also can use as bookmark,giant bookmark..

remind myself to go market =P

2009 birthday present..pig cup..
it body.

it tail...
ignore my coffee mark =P
it head is cover,i dint use it..

original braces nat..




and stretch!!!
i'm boring =P

so cute =D

my leehom bookmark =D

his name...

sometime play with charco..
"what you want to do?!help~"

hey!charco!you biting people!!!!

ahahaaa!!!!!!pull his ear!!! =P
i know we are so jahat =D

my study place..(after tidy of course!!!)

useless book corner,mean the paper over..

sweet and my phone corner..

useful book and my phone charger corner..

wahhhhhhhhhhhh,dont know my mum go where get so many clock..
the heart shape wan so cacat =.=

1 day...my study place's light spoil!!!! =(
that day i got many mood to study,so i take a small light to study..
at night i turn on many lights near my study place..

my table after exam...
the books...
so messy!!!

the books was tall then my table =.=

owh,my sis drive!!!!!!!!!so dangerous!!!!

no larrrr,my dad as my sis teacher..
the journey was terrible!!!
i wonder my sis like that also can pass her driving test?!

the whole study week,

i start study before 1 or 2 weeks,

first,sure study sejarah!!

sejarah was the first day..

i mark my sejarah paper yesterday..

28/60!!!!! T^T i'm gonna cry out that time!!

i study so hard,sleep some hours or dint sleep to study,but...

hope wont fail lar...i just wan pass!!!!50marks also can!!!

god bless me!!!

i was watch 恶作剧之吻 & 恶作剧2吻 recently,

not i dont want study,i watch it when i feel no mood to study,

it really funny and wont boring to watch it!!!

i watch many many time dy!!! =D

恶作剧2吻 not yet finish watching,later gonna continue..

okay,gonna stop here..





28 May 2010

9:47 PM
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