holidays coming soon!!!
feel sad n happy
sad is...
1. i cant c my frends for abt 2 months T.T
2. i cant play wif my beloved bus frends for abt 2 months too T.T
3. i nid go my dad office help do work T.T
4. i sked nex yr my frend wil forget me T.T
5. i wan form 3 dy T.T
happy is...
1. i can watch many many movie =)
2. i can read my beloved story books =)
3. i can sleep lately lately =)
4. i can go shopping =)
movie i want to watch...
the vampire diaries!!!!must watch,realy very nice!!nice then twilight!!
new moon.although the vampire diaries nicer but i stil wan watch,can go v huay wei ^^ sure full wan.
宫心计.feel very nice.many ppl said nice,so i wan watch too.
a christmas carol.the poster realy attract me n my sis.
2012.gonna go watch v friend.we dy book ticket..
story books i gonna read...
鹅卵石.hmmm,reading...tis is my birthday present!!tat time gonna exam,so til now ga read..
幸福的味道.i dy borrowed v my frend
七天.tis too,she say i can borrow til school reopen.yeeppeeeee
青色的围墙.tis coming soon,he write tis book v his daughter-许书芹.clever lo.....
wish everybody hav a happy happy holidays la.
14 nov 2009
5:02 AM